Words of Hope Iran is building the church one soul at a time in one of the hardest places on earth.
Iran is a hard place. Less than one percent of the population in this Middle Eastern country is Christian. What’s more, Muslim-background converts to Christianity risk facing the death penalty since Iran is one of the most persecutory countries in the world. All evangelical churches have been forced to close; Bibles may not be published; and people who meet together in house churches live constantly on the brink of discovery and punishment.
And yet, even in this very hard place, there is a sincere longing for the good news of the gospel. The underground church in Iran appears to be growing faster now than ever before, proving that hope in Christ is stronger than the fear of death. Through many gifts and prayers offered by supporters, Words of Hope is finding ways to share life-saving good news with Iranians without putting them or our producers in danger. Radio, Internet, and other tools are helping us reach farther with the gospel than we ever could before.

“I was born in a Muslim family and I was very serious about my faith. I was trying to have a relationship with God through Islam, but Jesus found me and didn’t let me go. Through radio I learned I could be a Christian and I gave my heart to Jesus. We are alone, please pray for us, and don’t forget us. My church is your radio program.
Persian (Farsi)
Words of Hope works to share Christian hope both in Iran and throughout the Iranian diaspora through various types of media. Radio programs are recorded and then broadcast across the border via satellite, as well as being available 24/7 online. A wide variety of social media platforms are utilized to enable direct contact between Words of Hope staff and the Iranians who discover our resources. Videos and audiobooks are being produced in the Persian language to further connect with younger generations. Iranian Bible conferences are also held regularly in a safe location outside the country so that Iranians can come to learn about the Bible and worship in community.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the protection and strength for those who follow Jesus despite the severe risks and challenges.
- Pray for the safety of the growing house churches across the country.
- Pray for the many believers who have been imprisoned because of their faith.
- Pray for effectiveness of the Bible training conferences and for the safety of the participants.
- Pray for necessary logistical decisions to advance Kingdom work inside Iran.
Stories from Iran

Iran in the Bible
Did you know that the Bible has a lot to say about Iran? In Bible times, present day Iran was called Persia. While today, Iran is ruled by an Islamic

Bibles for Iran
Every year, Words of Hope smuggles thousands of Bibles inside the country of Iran. In order to get Bibles into the country, Kurdish smugglers carry them on their backs over

Full Speed Ahead
Read: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 That the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored. (v. 1) Sometimes the gospel runs fast, leading many to Christ in a single day,