Devotionals about Waiting


Destined for Adoption

Read: Ephesians 1:1-14 He predestined us for adoption to himself. (v. 5) Adoption, by its very nature, originates in brokenness. One or both biological parents are unable to keep and


The Adoption Quilt

Read: Revelation 21:10-27 . . . the Lamb’s book of life. (v. 27) Hanging outside the probate court’s massive double doors, an enormous, hand-stitched piece of fabric is suspended against


The Community of Saints

Read: Ephesians 4:8-16 . . . to equip the saints for the work of ministry. (v. 12) The courtroom was filled to capacity with friends, family, church members, his fifth


What’s in a Name?

Read: Genesis 17:1-8, 15 No longer shall your name be called Abram, but . . . Abraham. (v. 5) Abram became Abraham, Sarai became Sarah, and Saul became Paul. Repeatedly,



Read: Psalm 91 You will not fear the terror of the night. (v. 5) From the living room we could hear the intermittent voice in the bedroom. Were they talking


Tender Goodbyes

Read: 2 Timothy 1:1-14 I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy. (v. 4) In our family we hug and say “I love you” frequently as


Winning, Losing, and Love

Read: 1 Corinthians 13:1-11 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (v. 7) The dodgeball game was intense, fast, and furious. Both sides propelling


The Comparison Game

Read: Matthew 18:1-11 Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? (v. 1) “Am I the fastest runner you’ve ever seen? Am I the strongest kicker? Am I the


Pragmatic Faith

Read: Luke 14:28-36 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost . . . ? (v. 28) Through the sliding