Devotionals about Testimonies


The Gift of This Day

Read: Psalm 139 In your book were written . . . the days that were formed for me. (v. 16) Life expectancy in the United States is around 75 years.


Lord God King of Glory

Read: Psalm 24 The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory! (v. 10) On the many occasions that I have prayed with the Words of Hope Uganda ministry


Most Merciful God

Read: Psalm 51 Cleanse me from my sin! (v. 2) David was the king by which all future kings of Israel would be compared. He foreshadows our eternal King, Jesus.


Holy God

Read: Isaiah 6:1-7 Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts. (v. 3) I am privileged to pray with myriads of people around the world. I’ve noticed that people often begin


Lord of Hosts

Read: 1 Samuel 1:1-20 I have been pouring out my soul before the LORD. (v. 15) Hannah is desperate. Her rival taunts her for being childless, which only compounds her disappointment.


How Prayer Begins

Read: Genesis 4:25-26 At that time people began to call upon the name of the LORD. (v. 26) Do you remember your first prayer? What did you say? I remember a