Devotionals about Prayer



Read: Ephesians 4:1-6 There is one body. (v. 4) Newcomers to the Dutch community in Iowa where I lived were surprised not only by the number of churches, but they


Big Prayers

Read: Ephesians 3:14-21 . . . far more abundantly . . . (v. 20) When I read Paul’s grand prayer that closes Ephesians 3, my own prayers feel small and

Individual standing on fence by mountains raising arms

Humility in Prayer

READ : Luke 18:9-14 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted. (v. 14) It doesn’t take too much digging into the


A Guided Life, Touched By Grace

Real praying isn’t easy; sometimes it can be difficult. But God wants us to pray. Prayer is also God’s gift. He provides everything we need and then calls us to respond. Well, then, how do we capture excitement about prayer when we’ve lost the heart to pray? Dr. Brownson doesn’t intend this book to be merely a call to prayer. Rather, his purpose is to inspire courage to pray, to leave us saying “I think I can do that. I can learn to pray.”


Pilgrimage in Prayer

The story of how one man learned to practice prayer as the secret to intimacy with God and effectiveness in service.


Courage to Pray

Real praying isn’t easy; sometimes it can be difficult. But God wants us to pray. Prayer is also God’s gift. He provides everything we need and then calls us to respond. Well, then, how do we capture excitement about prayer when we’ve lost the heart to pray? Dr. Brownson doesn’t intend this book to be merely a call to prayer. Rather, his purpose is to inspire courage to pray, to leave us saying “I think I can do that. I can learn to pray.”


Apostolic Prayer

Read: Galatians 1:1-24 The last of the four characteristics of healthy and vital Christian churches is apostolic prayer. Let’s look today at a wonderful example of what that means. We come


Elijah and the Power of Prayer

Read: 1 Kings 17, 18:41-46 One of the most surprising things we learn from scripture about Elijah is that, for all his heroic deeds, he was a person just like


How to Approach God in Prayer

Read: Hebrews 4:16 Many people today are so unacquainted with God or feel that he’s so far away they don’t even know how to talk to him and hardly even