Devotionals about Niger


Equipping Young People in Niger

Words of Hope Niger partners with the Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger to empower indigenous communities. Together, we collaborate with a local team to create Christian media content

mud and thatch hut in niger

Christ Alone

A year ago, a resident in Niger informed Words of Hope’s Hausa language producer that he was suspicious of our Christian programming. As a Muslim, he expected to find much of the content of our Hausa programs offensive. He was angry at the thought that local programming might be attacking the majority Muslim faith of the region. 

african man praying in church

Combatting Persecution in Niger

In the country of Niger, Christians—especially new converts—can be subjected to persecution.  One of our producers explains: “The challenge is keeping up with listeners who want to accept Jesus as


The Challenge of Ministry in Niger

The country of Niger has an overwhelmingly Muslim majority. In fact, 99% of the population self-identifies as Islamic.  Niger does maintain separation between church and state, meaning that legally individuals

School in Niger

Pray for Niger

Niger is one of the most impoverished countries in the world. Many individuals there are barely surviving on scant incomes and meager farming resources. Your support of Words of Hope in Niger is providing much-needed income for evangelists in the country who would not otherwise be able to serve as ministers while also supporting their families.


Leaving Home

Bahati did not have an easy start to life. She grew up in Niger, a country with high levels of poverty. Her first marriage ended in abuse and rejection at the hands of her husband. With two children to support, Bahati returned to her family’s home. She lived peacefully there for a time, but one day she heard a radio program that would change everything.


Niger: Out of the Ashes

In January of 2015, a group of Muslim protesters lashed out against Christians in Niger. The protesters were angry at Western media portrayals of their prophet. In a shockingly organized