Devotionals about Nepal


New Languages in Nepal

Words of Hope Nepal is expanding to include two new language programs, Magar and Maithili, in order to better serve the diverse communities in the region. Many Nepali people prefer


Helambu Sherpa Language

Words of Hope Nepal is introducing a new broadcast program in the Helambu Sherpa language. Words of Hope’s Nepali ministry director first met a Sherpa pastor in 2013 while visiting


True Beauty

Read: Revelation 21:1-8 And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (v. 5) Sadar was born blind in the country of Nepal.


Building the Church in Nepal

Cross-Way Church in Kathmandu, Nepal is using media to build up a new generation of church leaders. Cross-Way’s aim is to plant Christ-centered churches in all 75 districts of Nepal. Words