
Devotionals about Matthew

John Calvin

Touched by Jesus

Read: Matthew 8:1-4 The first miracle described in the gospel of Matthew is an amazing demonstration, not just of Jesus’ power, but of his compassionate love. One of the most


The Servant of the Lord

Read: Isaiah 42:1-9 Christ has come into the world, not just to bring light, hope, peace, love, comfort and joy. He certainly does all that, but to bring justice. The Bible

Apostles' Creed

I Believe in Forgiveness

Read: Matthew 6:12-14 When we confess our faith in the forgiveness of sins, we’re really claiming two things: that we need to be forgiven and that we need to be forgiving.


The Great Commandment: Loving God

Read: Matthew 22:34-40 What is the single most important thing you need to do in your life? Someone came to Jesus one day and asked that very question. Listen to his


When You Feel Forsaken

Read: Matthew 27:46 When Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” he was all alone, but because he was abandoned by God, you

Philip Henry

John the Baptist: The Forerunner

Read: Matthew 3:1-12 The last of the Old Testament prophets was also the first character in the story of Jesus’ ministry. His name was John the Baptist, and his mission was


Daniel: The Predictions of a Prophet

Read: Daniel 2:44, 47, Deuteronomy 18:21-22, Matthew 11:28-29 In our study of the Book of Daniel, we will begin by observing the account it gives of the making of a prophet. The king