Devotionals about John

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Unfading Joy

Read: John 20:1-18 I am the resurrection and the life. (John 11:25) I bought a lily this Easter to remember Art, one of the many people who died from Covid-19

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Abundant Fruit

Read: John 15:1-11 I am the true vine. (v. 1) The small planting of vines my parents tended ripened about the same time as the apple trees in our yard, but

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Good Friday?

Read: John 14:1-7 I am the way, and the truth, and the life. (v. 6) Today is Good Friday. Hardly anything about it could have seemed “good” to the disciples. Jesus

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No Idea

Read: John 10:10-18 I am the good shepherd. (v. 11) What is it like to be a shepherd? It’s a far cry from the quaint pictures in church nurseries, where clean-looking

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Healer of Wounds

Read: John 10:1-9 I am the door. (v. 9) The “I am” sayings of John 10 provide personal and meaningful images of who Jesus is in relation to his people. Many

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I Can See!

Read: John 8:12-20 I am the light of the world. (v. 12) When Robert stopped by the Words of Hope office to thank us for how this devotional booklet helps him,

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So Much More

Read: John 6:25-71 I am the bread of life. (v. 35) The challah bread our church serves for Communion is lovingly baked by volunteers. It tastes so good! I sometimes feel

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Read: John 12:12-19 Fear not, daughter of Zion. (v. 15) Sometimes I fall asleep while watching my favorite team play basketball. I’ll wake up to see they won with no idea

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Two Words

Read: John 11:1-45 Jesus wept. (v. 35) My parents occasionally required us to recite a Bible verse before being dismissed from the supper table. We’d argue over whose turn it was