Devotionals about Jesus



Read: Luke 2:22-40 Simeon . . . was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel. (v. 25) This is our eleventh and final day of reflections from Luke.


Unto You

Read: Luke 2:8-21 For unto you is born this day . . . a Savior. (v. 11) Thirty years ago this month our daughter was born. I was serving as


The Birth

Read: Luke 2:1-7 And she gave birth to her firstborn son. (v. 7) Christmas is nine days off yet, but today we come to Luke’s classic telling of Jesus’ birth


A New Song

Read: Luke 1:67-80 And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High. (v. 76) Zechariah used his nine months of silence to deepen his relationship with God.


Fear and Wondering

Read: Luke 1:57-66 And fear came on all their neighbors. (v. 65) We often miss the Bible’s humor. God himself invented humor, and anyone who has ever watched a one-year-old



Read: Luke 1:46-56 My soul magnifies the Lord. (v. 46) We have been thinking about God’s reversal of normal expectations the last couple of days. Now in Mary’s song we



Read: Luke 1:39-45 And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. (v. 41) Pentecost gets all the attention in terms of the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit. Certainly that was


Let It Be

Read: Luke 1:26-38 Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you! (v. 28) The writer Frederick Buechner once imagined that as Gabriel waited to hear Mary’s response to the


Questioning an Angel

Read: Luke 1:8-25 And there appeared to him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar. (v. 11) Zechariah asked a logical question. A bit