Devotionals about India

tutoring center

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Words of Hope tutoring centers in India are setting children up for educational success and demonstrating the love of Christ in tangible ways.  A System of Support Children who live

indian band playing music harmonium

Dogri Christmas Tappa

One of the many forms of media outreach that the Words of Hope team in India employs is music. Setting lyrics to music can touch hearts in ways that words


Tutoring Centers for Children in India

As Words of Hope team members in India began outreach work in northern villages, they realized that many children in the region were not attending school.  The families they encountered


One in Christ

Read: Galatians 3:23-29 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (v. 28)


Found by the Shepherd

Read: Matthew 9:35-38 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (v. 36) Samar is a young shepherd

India womens sewing group

Women’s Sewing Center

In Lohardaga, India, Words of Hope operates a training center to teach women living in poverty how to sew, tailor clothing, and knit. This hands-on ministry provides women with a


In Their Own Words

Lives are being changed every day in India because people there are gaining access to Scripture in a language they can understand. Because of your donations and prayers, many are


The Witness of a Christian Wedding

Words of Hope is now producing programs in the Bhaderwahi language of northern India. Bhaderwahi is a dialect of Dogri, and is spoken by a group of 100 or so


Garhwali Christian Programs

Ishaan was a religious man. He carefully studied Hindu texts to learn more about God. As he searched in his books, he came across stories of Jesus. Many Hindus know