Devotionals about Hope

Prison Ministry

A Message of Gratitude

The Words of Hope devotional reaches people in all walks of life—each with their own unique stories of faith and need. One recent thank-you note came to us from a person living in prison. Written on a torn piece of paper towel, it was a reminder of why this ministry exists.

person reading bible

Hope Restored

The Words of Hope devotional reaches people in all walks of life—each with their own unique stories of faith and need. One recent thank-you note came to us from a person living in prison. Written on a torn piece of paper towel, it was a reminder of why this ministry exists.

woman holding bible praying

A Journey Toward God

At just 19 years old, one young woman in prison reached out to Words of Hope with a heartfelt letter that moved us deeply. Her story is one of heartbreak and resilience, but most importantly, it’s a story of hope—a hope she is now finding in the promises of God.


Prayer in Heaven

Read: Revelation 4 Day and night they never cease to say, “Holy, holy, holy.” (v. 8) We don’t know the first words someone prayed when “people began to call upon


Why Celebrate Advent?

The weeks leading up to Christmas can be hectic—Christmas programs, work parties, school events, shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking, cleaning the house, preparing to travel. The list of things to do


When Words Fail

Read: Romans 8:18-30 The Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (v. 26) Times of prayer can be full of sweet conversation with our heavenly Father.


Singing Amid Suffering

Read: Acts 16:16-34 Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God. (v. 25) One brave man I know lives in Bhutan. Sharing the gospel is forbidden. One Sunday


The Spirit Speaks

Read: Acts 13:1-3 After fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off. (v. 3) I am suspicious whenever I hear someone say, “The Holy Spirit