Devotionals about Genesis


Light Near to Darkness

Read: Job 17:10-16 They make night into day: “The light,” they say, “is near to the darkness.” (v. 12) Scripture warns those of us who would deliver platitudes to someone


Dark Lament

Read: Job 30:24-31 But when I hoped for good, evil came, and when I waited for light, darkness came. (v. 26) Part of the point of studying darkness and light


Fire in the Dark

Read: Exodus 13:17-22 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire


Darkness as Plague

Read: Exodus 10:21-29 “Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness to be felt.” (v. 21) Don’t you feel a


Light in Darkness

Read: Genesis 1:1-19 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.


Abraham: The Sign of a Covenant

Read: Genesis 15:1-21, Genesis 17:1-16, Romans 4:3-8 So Abraham shows us the very way of salvation. God’s covenant relationship with us is based on his grace, to which we respond with faith, or

female hands reading bible

Abraham: Blessed to Be a Blessing

Read: Genesis 12:1-3, Isaiah 42:1, 6-7 The blessings God gives us are intended to be shared with all, beginning with the inestimable blessing of salvation from sin and including all


Abraham: A Friend of God

Read: Genesis 12:1-4, Isaiah 41:8 The call of Abraham marks the launching of God’s plan to eventually bring blessing to all of the earth’s peoples, and it all started with God’s decision