
Devotionals about Faith

lake and mountain at sunset

What Comes First?

Read: Romans 4:1-25 In hope he believed against hope . . . (v. 18) What came first, the chicken or the egg? This is the issue of Romans 4. What

lake and mountain at sunset

How Good Is It?

Read: Romans 3:21-31 But now the righteousness of God has been manifested . . . (v. 21) The “but” of verse 21 pivots from the valley of our despair to

lake and mountain at sunset

How Bad Is It?

Read: Romans 3:1-20 No one does good, not even one. (v. 12) I needed a dentist. I knew I had problems, but not how bad my situation was. Dental visits

lake and mountain at sunset

The Heart of the Matter

Read: Romans 2:12-29 Circumcision is a matter of the heart . . . (v. 29) Many people bear physical symbols of their ethnic/religious traditions. South Sudanese Dinka scar the heads

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No Excuses

Read: Romans 2:1-22 Therefore you have no excuse . . . (v. 1) One of the good manners my kindergarten teacher taught was to never point a finger at another.

lake and mountain at sunset

Never Enough

Read: Romans 1:18-31 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie. (v. 25) How did we become experts at sin? Paul described the path sin takes once we start

lake and mountain at sunset

Not Ashamed

Read: Romans 1:1-17 I am eager to preach the gospel to you also. (v. 15) I can still see the joyful smiles of the men’s choir from Teen Challenge, a

man hiking up stone steps mountain

Life for All

Read: Acts 11:1-18 Who was I that I could stand in God’s way? (v. 17) Peter had some explaining to do. When he returned home with news of having baptized

man hiking up stone steps mountain

Made Clean

Read: Acts 10:9-33 What God has made clean, do not call common. (v. 15) Today we join Peter in prayer on a rooftop in the city. It had been a