Devotionals about Exodus

view from bottom of a well

A Snowball Effect

Read: Exodus 3:19-22; 32:1-6 And he received the gold . . . and made a golden calf. (Exodus 32:4) Have you ever wondered where the recently enslaved people of Israel,

view from bottom of a well

Careful What You Wish For

Read: Exodus 3:1-15 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” (v. 14) Mystery abounds here: I don’t know why the bush didn’t burn up or what exactly the

Sky clouds sunset

Living in the Tension

Read: Exodus 33:15-34:9 The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and

Sky clouds sunset

Moses Seeks Favor and God Relents

In this series, we will explore God’s free will to deviate from what he has set in motion. We don’t normally think of God in these terms, but the Bible is clear—there are times when God responds to his people in surprising ways. Scripture refers to this ability using words such as “relent,” “regret,” “turn,” or even “repent” (in the King James Version).


The Walls of Jericho

Our walk with God sometimes brings us up against some very big obstacles. But through faith, and obedience, we can see the walls come tumbling down. That’s the lesson Israel learned at Jericho.

Golden Calf

The Golden Calf

Read: Exodus 32:1-35 It doesn’t take long for Israel to turn away from God in the wilderness. The way God deals with them teaches us to both fear and trust him.


Crossing the Red Sea

Israel is between a rock and a hard place when Pharaoh traps them at the Red Sea. But God can make “a way outta no way.”


The Burning Bush

Read: Exodus 3:1-14 God reveals his personal name to Moses at the burning bush, and calls him to help save his people. But Moses doesn’t want to go. Sound familiar? The


Baby Moses

Read: Exodus 2:1-10 Baby Moses, floating in his basket on the Nile, rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter. It’s a cute children’s story, but it carries a grown-up lesson about faith’s power to