Devotionals about Discipleship


Walk Anointed

Read: Exodus 30:22-38 You anoint my head with oil. (Psalm 23:5b) Have you ever used the expression, “It’s like heaven on earth”? Maybe you were awestruck by majestic mountains or


Walk Generously

Read: Luke 22:14-23 You prepare a table before me. (Psalm 23:5a) My mother loved to entertain others at our home. She prepared our dining room table with her fancy tablecloth,

Psalm 23

Walk in His Comfort

Read: Isaiah 66:10-14 Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4c) A mother who comforts her child may wipe away tears, kiss a boo-boo, or hold the child


Walk without Fear

Read: Isaiah 41:10-13 I will fear no evil. (Psalm 23:4b) If we are honest, all of us are afraid of something. I fear bees, health challenges, and losing my memory


Walk Through

Read: Isaiah 43:1-7 I walk through the valley. (Psalm 23:4a) Valleys are found between two high places. We get from one high place to the other by going through the


Walk for His Name’s Sake

Read: Philippians 2:1-11 He leads me . . . for his name’s sake. (Psalm 23:3b-c) I like receiving praise for something that I have done. Receiving praise is not wrong or sinful,


Walk in Righteousness

Read: Matthew 22:34-40 He leads me in paths of righteousness. (Psalm 23:3b) To live right physically, I need to keep moving. Exercise is good for my health, but for sheep,


Walk Restored

Read: Matthew 2:1-12 He restores my soul. (Psalm 23:3a) Today is Epiphany. It is a time when believers in many Christian traditions celebrate the magi coming from afar to worship


Walk in Peace

Read: Mark 4:35-41 He leads me beside still waters. (Psalm 23:2b) I live near Lake Michigan. Sometimes when there is no wind, the lake resembles glass—perfectly still, perfectly peaceful. But