Devotionals about Devotional Habit

woman holding a bible

Doing Devotions Every Day

How often do you do devotions? I have had times in my life when I have been very faithful, doing devotions every morning or evening, and I have had times

man walking outside looking at phone

Walk and Pray

I am not the first one to say it, but walking is good for your body and your mind. People throughout history have recognized that moving your body helps you

woman sitting reading bible
Devotional Habit

How to Start a Devotional Habit

We want to encourage you to build up the habit of a daily devotional time. Maybe you have had a devotional habit in the past, or maybe it’s something new. Getting started well can make all the difference in continuing past the first day. Here are five of our favorite ways to start (and stick with) a daily devotional time. 


The Shaping Power of a Devotional Life

When you read any Words of Hope devotional you will find insight, challenge, comfort, or inspiration. Perhaps a story will resonate with your heart and you will find yourself thinking