Devotionals about Belonging


God Commands

Read: Matthew 22:34-40 You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (v. 39) Why is it so hard to love ourselves? It’s very easy to find fault with our bodies: “I


God Treasures

Read: Deuteronomy 7:6-9 It is because the LORD loves you. (v. 8) I have always loved grandfather clocks. I love listening to the chimed melody every fifteen minutes on the


God Remembers

Read: Isaiah 49:13-18 I will not forget you. (v. 15) Have you ever felt forgotten? Feeling forgotten is a lonely feeling. Feeling forgotten can lead us to believe we are


God Sees

Read: Genesis 16:6-16 You are the God who sees me. (v. 13 NIV) Children love hiding from others as a game. As adults, we also hide in different ways. Sometimes


God Creates

Read: Genesis 1:26-31 Let us make humans in our image. (v. 26 NRSV) The Sioux people of the northern Great Plains in North America believed the longest distance we journey


We Belong

Read: Hebrews 3 For we have come to share in Christ. (v. 14) Have you ever been to a convention, seminar, or training session? One of the first things you do



Read: Romans 8:12-17 Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. (v. 14 NIV) There are unspoken battles on the inside of most, if not


You Belong

Read: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 God chose you as the firstfruits. (v. 13) During the final round of the 2017 British Open, eventual winner Jordan Spieth was in big trouble on the

parent child holding hands

Belonging to the Lord

Read: Romans 14:7-9 Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. (v. 8 NIV) After seeing my mother alive for the last time, the Spirit reminded me of this