In Their Own Words
You are equipping Albanian Christians for devotional ministry in their own context. A Young Church Just over 30 years ago, religion was illegal in the country of Albania. In fact,
You are equipping Albanian Christians for devotional ministry in their own context. A Young Church Just over 30 years ago, religion was illegal in the country of Albania. In fact,
Rev. Nancy Boote penned the words, “Here I am,” in her journal early one morning during her devotional time. “I journaled those words in a prayer,” she says, “expressing my
Even as Albanians begin to write original devotional content, translating North American devotionals and editing them to fit the Albanian context will continue to be an ongoing need. Fabian fulfills
Read: Colossians 3:12-17 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in
Prison chaplains in Albania are seeing lives change as they share translated copies of the Words of Hope daily devotional. Daily Devotions Near + Far Words of Hope is well
In August of last year, the Albanian government agreed to take in thousands of refugees from Afghanistan, locating many of them indefinitely inside a compound near Words of Hope’s offices.
Several years ago, Words of Hope Albania began a new radio program project called, “The Truth I Hold.” The goal of the project was to record 365 testimonies from Albanian
“Providing food, clothes, shoes. People in North America are helping Words of Hope Albania amplify our efforts and bring a helping hand to these hurting people,” says Erion Prendi. Erion
Nora and her husband live in Korca, Albania—a plateau surrounded by the Moravian mountains. In Korca, they manage a traditional goat farm. Herds of goats in Albania are a source
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