Stories of Hope
Stories from our ministry fields around the world.

July Prayer Guide 2020
ALBANIA — Give thanks for the following note from a listener named Alma. “Hello, Words of Hope Albania. Thank you so much for the blessed work you do. I am uplifted and filled with joy by the message of your

June Prayer Guide 2020
NIGER — Pray for a retired soldier named Mahamadou who started listening to the broadcasts. At first he listened secretly, fearful and ashamed of what Muslim friends and neighbors might think if they overheard him. Now, however, he is listening

May Prayer Guide 2020
TURKEY — Give thanks that despite the challenges introduced by COVID-19, our team has been able to continue broadcasting on the radio. Since all travel has been suspended in the country of Turkey for the last month and a half,

Face to Face
Gazi sat in front of his television mindlessly flipping through the channels. He was looking for something more than entertainment, but he didn’t know exactly what it was. He stopped at a Christian station called SAT-7 TV. He was

April Prayer Guide 2020
NEPAL — “Nepal is in lockdown due to the Covid-19 situation,” shares Words of Hope’s Nepali ministry leader. “I am staying home with family with a prayerful heart for the world. Please pray that God would intervene in this

March Prayer Guide 2020
NEPAL — Give thanks that the new Words of Hope Nepal recording studio is nearly complete and will be in use soon! We are thankful for the many ways in which God has provided. Pray that everything will go smoothly as recording

February Prayer Guide 2020
UGANDA — Give thanks that listener feedback is increasing. After hearing radio programs, many individuals are calling and texting to receive prayer and counseling, and to ask questions about the Bible. Please pray as Uganda’s economy is not doing well, and

January Prayer Guide 2020
INDONESIA — Give thanks for the daily devotionals being produced in Indonesia by Words of Hope and Back to God Ministries International. The booklets are proving especially valuable for Indonesian prisoners. Inmates who read the devotionals report that they feel encouraged, and some