Statement of Faith

Words of Hope was founded as a media ministry to proclaim Jesus Christ as the world’s only Savior. The mission was begun by evangelical congregations of the Reformed Church in America who shared that conviction. Today, we are a multi-denominational mission with a reformed theological foundation, an evangelical ethos, and a cooperative spirit for global mission.

Reformed Theological Foundation 

We affirm the divine authority and sufficiency of Scripture in matters of faith and practice. We agree with the ecumenical creeds (The Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. We are shaped by the Reformed confessions (The Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort).

Evangelical Ethos

We invite people into a personal faith. This faith is the fruit of conversion through an individual’s trust in Christ as Savior and Lord and belief in Christ’s redeeming and substitutionary work on the cross. We believe that Christians are called to live holy lives, to make disciples throughout the world by embodying in word and deed the good news of salvation, and to love all people through acts of justice and mercy in Christ’s name.

Cooperative Spirit for Global Mission 

We work with churches and mission movements that embrace the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations. With other like-minded mission organizations from over 150 countries, we affirm and embrace The Lausanne Covenant for World Evangelization.