Books & Studies

Transcripts from past sermons produced by Words of Hope.


The Measure of God’s Love

Read: John 3:16, 18 How do you measure love? Love is not measured by how much you say or how strongly you feel but by how much you give. This is


Elisha and the Siege of Samaria

Read: 2 Kings 7:1-9 Someone has famously described evangelism—the sharing of the gospel message of salvation with non-Christians—as “one beggar telling another where to find bread.” In a famous incident


Elijah and the Chariots of Fire

Read: 2 Kings 2:1-18 Elijah was a tremendous hero of faith. But like all men, his time eventually came to an end. But despite the spectacular way in which he


Elijah and the Still, Small Voice

Read: 1 Kings 19:1-18 It is no contradiction that people who have great faith can also have great personal and spiritual struggles. Elijah shows us that, and a way out of


Elijah and the Power of Prayer

Read: 1 Kings 17, 18:41-46 One of the most surprising things we learn from scripture about Elijah is that, for all his heroic deeds, he was a person just like


The Promise of Salvation

Read: Luke 23:32-43 Here we can see salvation reduced to its simplest terms. Stripped down to essentials, this is what it’s all about. It’s about a request and a promise. The


Abraham: The Sign of a Covenant

Read: Genesis 15:1-21, Genesis 17:1-16, Romans 4:3-8 So Abraham shows us the very way of salvation. God’s covenant relationship with us is based on his grace, to which we respond with faith, or

female hands reading bible

Abraham: Blessed to Be a Blessing

Read: Genesis 12:1-3, Isaiah 42:1, 6-7 The blessings God gives us are intended to be shared with all, beginning with the inestimable blessing of salvation from sin and including all


Abraham: A Friend of God

Read: Genesis 12:1-4, Isaiah 41:8 The call of Abraham marks the launching of God’s plan to eventually bring blessing to all of the earth’s peoples, and it all started with God’s decision


How to Resist the Devil

Read: James 4:7-8 For many people the Devil is nothing more than a cartoon character. But we have a real and terrible enemy in Satan. Let’s learn today how to fight


How to Conquer Your Besetting Sin

Read: Romans 6:11-14 Have you been struggling for a long time against a particularly stubborn sin in your life? Well we have good news for you today, there is a way


How to Approach God in Prayer

Read: Hebrews 4:16 Many people today are so unacquainted with God or feel that he’s so far away they don’t even know how to talk to him and hardly even