
Series: Walk with the Shepherd

Each day, believers are presented with a profound and enduring invitation: to walk with the Shepherd, our Good Shepherd, Jesus. Our Shepherd guides us and protects us, and when we walk with the Shepherd, we walk in paths of righteousness.

The Bible is full of encouragement and insight for walking with the Good Shepherd, Jesus. In this 16-day series, Psalm 23 will provide our framework for considering just how to walk with Jesus. Each day will include one verse from Psalm 23, and find resonant passages throughout the Bible.

As you make resolutions for this New Year, consider this resolution: walk with your Shepherd every day. Start with the ideas found in Psalm 23, and then follow God’s way through the Bible, and through your life.

Walk with the Shepherd

Walk without Fear

Read: Isaiah 41:10-13 I will fear no evil. (Psalm 23:4b) If we are honest, all of us are afraid of something. I fear bees, health challenges, and losing my memory

Walk with the Shepherd

Walk in His Comfort

Read: Isaiah 66:10-14 Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4c) A mother who comforts her child may wipe away tears, kiss a boo-boo, or hold the child

Walk with the Shepherd

Walk Generously

Read: Luke 22:14-23 You prepare a table before me. (Psalm 23:5a) My mother loved to entertain others at our home. She prepared our dining room table with her fancy tablecloth,

Walk with the Shepherd

Walk Anointed

Read: Exodus 30:22-38 You anoint my head with oil. (Psalm 23:5b) Have you ever used the expression, “It’s like heaven on earth”? Maybe you were awestruck by majestic mountains or

Walk with the Shepherd

Walk with Goodness and Mercy

Read: Exodus 34:1-10 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me. (Psalm 23:6a) When I was a child, I observed my shadow closely. It changed depending on the position of the

Walk with the Shepherd

Walk Assured

Read: Psalm 27 I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (Psalm 23:6b) What do we know for certain? We know that the sun will rise, and the

Walk with the Shepherd

Walk by the Spirit

Read: Galatians 5:16-26 The LORD is my shepherd. (Ps. 23:1a) Sheep need their shepherd. They need him for their total care. We also need our Shepherd. In John 15:5, Jesus