
Series: Peace to a People in Exile

When you feel alone, or isolated in your faith, you may feel like an exile. To those who choose to follow him, God offers peace. 

All believers in Jesus are people living in exile—if you are a follower of Jesus, your citizenship is in the eternal kingdom of heaven, and everything you do is a reflection of your new life in Jesus. 

The book of 1 Peter was written to early Christians who were experiencing persecution, and who had become discouraged in faith. This letter is rich in encouragement to people who felt like exiles, encouragement to hold fast to faith in Jesus Christ.

The apostle Peter reminds us of our place in the family of God—not alone anymore, but chosen and beloved by God. As a result, we are changed, inside and out, to reflect Jesus and share that faith with others.

This devotional series takes us through the book of 1 Peter, and looks into the mysterious way that God grants grace and peace in the midst of exile.

Peace to a People in Exile

Action-Oriented Thinking

Read: 1 Peter 1:13-21 Therefore prepare your minds for action . . . (v. 13 NRSV) Something doesn’t seem right in verse 13: “Prepare your minds for action . .

Peace to a People in Exile

No Surprises!

Read: 1 Peter 4:12-19 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you. (v. 12) If you are reading this devotional somewhere