Series: Names of Jesus

Are you feeling the rush of the season, eager to focus your heart as Christmas approaches? Advent is the perfect time to prepare for the celebration of Christ’s birth by deepening our understanding of who Jesus is. This devotional series will guide you through the names of Jesus found in Scripture, each one revealing a unique aspect of his identity and character.

Over the next 25 days, you’ll explore powerful names like Immanuel (God with us), Prince of Peace, and Bread of Life. We start with Isaiah’s prophecies about Jesus, then look at Jesus’s own “I am . . .” statements in the gospel of John, then we move into the grand vision of Jesus found in Revelation. Finally, in the week leading up to Christmas we look at the “son of . . .” titles given to Jesus.

Each name will invite you to reflect on how Jesus meets your deepest needs—whether you’re longing for peace in chaos, light in the darkness, or hope in a weary world. These devotions are designed to be a time of reflection and renewal, preparing your heart to fully experience the wonder of Christmas.

As we reflect on the names of Jesus, we aren’t just learning facts—we’re encountering the living Christ who came to transform our lives. So, join us as we rediscover who Jesus is and what his coming means for us today. Together, let’s make space in our hearts for the One whose name is above all names. 

Names of Jesus

I Am

Read: Exodus 3:1-14 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” (John 8:58) What do you say when you are asked to introduce

Names of Jesus


Read: Matthew 1:18-25 Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. (Isa. 7:14) Some things always happen the same way. The sun comes

Names of Jesus


Read: Isaiah 9:1-7 And his name shall be called Wonderful . . . (v. 6) “That’s wonderful!” we might say, meaning simply that something is great or remarkable. But the

Names of Jesus


Read: Isaiah 30:15-21 His name shall be called . . . Counselor. (Isa. 9:6) When a long-held plan recently fell apart, I didn’t know where to turn. Who could help

Names of Jesus

Mighty God

Read: Mark 4:35-41 His name shall be called . . . Mighty God. (Isa. 9:6) If you’ve ever held a newborn baby in your arms, you know there are many

Names of Jesus

Everlasting Father

Read: John 10:22-30 His name shall be called . . . Everlasting Father. (Isa. 9:6) One of the most rewarding—or potentially unsettling—things about being a parent is seeing the ways

Names of Jesus

Prince of Peace

Read: Matthew 2:1-18 His name shall be called . . . Prince of Peace. (Isa. 9:6) The picture on social media caught my breath: an image of a child being

Names of Jesus

Bread of Life

Read: John 6:25-40 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life.” (v. 35) What are you hungry for? When we miss a meal, we feel the physical sensation

Names of Jesus

Light of the World

Read: John 8:1-12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world.” (v. 12) While we were staying together at a retreat center on the Oregon