Series: Jesus Wins!

What do we do when our expectations for life do not match the realities we face?

Matthew 21-28 encourages overwhelmed people with the simple reminder of an iron-clad truth: Jesus wins!

The grave is empty, the King is reigning. In the darkness of whatever valley you may be walking through, the journey of Jesus’ last week reminds us that the kingdom Jesus established plays by different rules. In trusting him, we have already won.

These meditations encourage you to walk with Jesus to the cross, and into resurrection life.

Jesus Wins!

Upside Down

Read: Matthew 20:17-28 You do not know what you are asking. (v. 22) Last summer a pastor in Missouri berated his congregation for not giving him a luxury watch and other

Jesus Wins!

Mixed Messages

Read: Matthew 21:1-11 Your king is coming to you, humble. (v. 5) If you go to church today you’ll likely see children waving palms and shouting “Hosanna!” As a child I

Jesus Wins!

Highway Robbery

Read: Matthew 21:12-17 “My house shall be called a house of prayer,” but you make it a den of robbers. (v. 13) An angry elder once cited this story of Jesus

Jesus Wins!

You Can Come!

Read: Matthew 22:1-14 Invite to the wedding feast as many as you find. (v. 9) Scott and Betsie’s wedding day was unforgettable. I was their pastor that December morning when an

Jesus Wins!

The King is Coming!

Read: Matthew 25:31-46 He will sit on his glorious throne. (v. 31) In Matthew 25, Jesus begins with two parables about the final judgment. In today’s text, he speaks with clarity

Jesus Wins!

Let Us Keep the Feast

Read: Matthew 26:26-29 Take, eat; this is my body. (v. 26) As a child, I didn’t especially enjoy Communion celebrations. The service grew long, the liturgy went over my head, and

Jesus Wins!

What the Women Saw

Read: Matthew 27:32-56 There were also many women there, looking on from a distance. (v. 55) I imagine the women “looking on from a distance” (v. 55) with hands covering mouths and

Jesus Wins!

When God is Silent

Read: Matthew 27:57-66 Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting opposite the tomb. (v. 61) Sometimes God seems silent. A dream is crushed. A loved one dies. A diagnosis

Jesus Wins!

The Main Event

Read: Matthew 28:1-15 Dead people don’t rise. Jesus’ resurrection is the most consequential event in history. How you respond to it is the most consequential decision of your life. At