Series: Jesus' Last Prayer

Of the 21 prayers of Jesus recorded in the Gospels, John 17 is the most intimate. We learn what Jesus most wanted from the Father, what he desired for his disciples, and what he prayed even for us.

praying on couch
Jesus' Last Prayer

What Jesus Prayed

Read: John 17:1-5 Glorify your Son. (v. 1) I learn best how to pray by hearing mature believers pray. Imagine what the disciples learned from hearing Jesus! They were privileged to

praying on couch
Jesus' Last Prayer

Becoming a Disciple

Read: John 17:6-8 They have believed that you sent me. (v. 8) How do we actually experience salvation? John 3:16 says that everyone who believes in Jesus will “have eternal life.”

praying on couch
Jesus' Last Prayer

Kept In

Read: John 17:9-13 Keep them in your name. (v. 10) Once each month I pray with our ministry’s global leaders. I am struck by the contrast of their prayers with mine.

praying on couch
Jesus' Last Prayer

Kept From

Read: John 17:14-16 Keep them from the evil one. (v. 15) What troubles you today? What challenge threatens to shipwreck your faith? Just before his prayer, Jesus promised the disciples something:

praying on couch
Jesus' Last Prayer

Set Apart

Read: John 17:17-19 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. (v. 17) When my kids were young, one of our favorite family games was Mario Kart. My kids always

praying on couch
Jesus' Last Prayer


Read: John 17:20-23 So that the world may believe . . . (v. 21) Did you know there are more than 45,000 Christian denominations in the world? We Christians are experts

praying on couch
Jesus' Last Prayer

What Jesus Really Wants

Read: John 17:24-26 To see my glory . . . (v. 24) The Make-A-Wish Foundation fulfills the wishes of children with critical illnesses. Some ask for a family trip to Disney