
Words of Hope provides people both near and far with daily access to God's Word.



God Commands

Read: Matthew 22:34-40 You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (v. 39) Why is it so hard to love ourselves? It’s very easy to find fault with our bodies: “I am not skinny enough; I have a crooked nose; I have too many wrinkles.” When we listen to the critic within us, we feel diminished. And when this happens, we compare ourselves to others. We end up feeling that we are not enough. Believing lies about ourselves prevents us from allowing God’s love to take deep root in our hearts. We become blinded to our beloved-ness. Pastor and writer Henri Nouwen said, “Becoming the Beloved means letting the truth of our Beloved-ness become enfleshed in everything we think, say, and do.” In our reading today, a lawyer tested Jesus by asking him about the greatest commandment. Jesus

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Grow In Faith and Share It Worldwide

All people in all places should have access to God’s Word. With Words of Hope, you can grow in faith by connecting daily to the truths of Scripture with our daily devotional and by sending God’s good news worldwide through all forms of media.


Stories of Hope

Words of Hope sends the good news to over 80 languages worldwide.

woman outside in uganda street

Sewing a Future

Sarah had always been a woman of faith, but losing her job tested her resilience. As the sole provider for her family, she was overwhelmed


Jesus came and proclaimed the good news of peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. — Ephesians 2:17

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