Words of Hope Daily Devotional

The Words of Hope Devotional is a non-profit, donor-supported publication whose goal is to encourage readers to grow in faith through the practice of daily Bible reading and prayer. The devotional is available in your email and in print.

Pruned to Produce

Read: John 15:1-8

Every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. (v. 2)

It’s hard for me to cut away a perfectly fine, green and growing branch from a plant or bush. But sometimes, I realize that it’s the best thing I can do for the health of the plant. It requires faith for gardeners to wield the pruning shears and to believe that removing a section will encourage further branching out, allowing for more growth that will produce better flowers or fruit.

During Jesus’s life, he probably observed this process himself, noting that even green, flourishing vines must endure the temporary pain of cutting and removal to make room for growth. Disciples who are connected to Jesus, even obedient, loving followers, will have to submit to loss, sorrow, or disruption. Even if we believe that all is well in our spiritual lives, as believers who want to grow in faith, we have to humbly accept that there may be beliefs, opinions, attitudes, and behaviors that have to fall away to allow for more fruitful spiritual growth.

Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, [and] self-control.” A growing faith must be examined and pruned in order to become deeper and even more fruitful and Spirit-filled. Would you like more of the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Does bitterness, impatience, grumbling, or unkindness keep you from growing? What needs to be trimmed in your life so you can grow in Christlikeness?

As you pray, humbly ask God for the pruning you need to bear more fruit for his glory.

About the Author

denise vredevoogd
Denise Vredevoogd

​​Denise Vredevoogd is a private piano teacher who lives near Grand Rapids, Michigan. She enjoys reading, writing, gardening, and spending time in nature with her adult sons and daughters.

God Remembers

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God Sees

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God Creates

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The Most Painful Doubt

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Repent and Believe

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Feeding Your Faith

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