Day 46
Power Struggles
Read: Numbers 16-18
God had appointed Moses as the leader of Israel. He had appointed his brother Aaron to be high priest. However, people like Korah wanted greater power in the community of God’s people.
The people of Israel were confused as they listened to the claims of both groups. It was necessary for God to take drastic action to make it clear whom he had chosen for leadership.
Sad to say, in the church today such power struggles continue. People forget that Jesus said that the one who wishes to be great should be willing to be a servant to all the others. We must all recognize that our spirit should not be one of insisting we must have our way or we will not cooperate.
On the one hand, we must recognize that God has ordained that the church today should be governed by pastors and elders. On the other hand, these office bearers must realize that they are called to be unselfish, sensitive, godly persons. Leadership decisions must above all be made considering God’s will as it is revealed in Scripture. Such leaders must be sensitive to the desires and needs of all the people of the congregation. Then there needs to be cooperation on the part of everyone, although things may not be done in just the way we would like them to be done.
Father, may there be peace and harmony in your church so that the world may be drawn to Christ. In his name. Amen.