Day 364
Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Read: Revelation 16-19
Seven angels pour the wrath of God upon a world which dares to persecute Christians. The harlot represents Rome, the city of the seven hills (17:9). One after another of her emperors persecute Christians, but they will be defeated by Christ “for he is Lord of lords and King of kings” (17:14). One may have to pay a great price to be on the side of Christ, but in the end it will pay; therefore be faithful! That is the constant message of the book of Revelation, first to Christians of that day persecuted by Rome and now to us today as in many subtle ways we are tempted to be unfaithful to Christ.
Babylon represents Rome, for both had been powerful and prosperous and hurtful to God’s people. As Babylon was destroyed because of this, so will Rome. Rome was destroyed by barbaric tribes, but the church continued on. As we sing “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” we sing the line “Crowns and thrones may perish, / Kingdoms rise and wane, / but the Church of Jesus, / Constant will remain.”
Christ will conquer his enemies (19:15). His side will win, so pay the price however personal, whatever the cost, to be on his side. Sorely tempted Christian, remain faithful to him. He is “King of kings and Lord of lords” (vv. 16) and he wishes to reign in your heart.
Father, you have revealed to us unseen reality. Help us to make our decisions in the light of this truth. Amen.