Day 352
Godly Living
Read: Titus
Titus was a Greek convert serving as pastor in churches on Crete. In this letter, Paul emphasizes the importance of godly living. A lay leader of the church is to be “a lover of goodness, master of himself, upright, holy, and self controlled” (1:8). In a day when shame has been brought to the church by the immoral lives of some of its prominent leaders, it is important that we show the world that these are exceptions and that Christians are people of integrity.
The pastor is to be an example of such integrity. Paul says to Titus, “Show yourself in all respects a model of good deeds, and in your teaching show integrity, gravity, and sound speech” (2:7-8). The church needs pastors who will preach the gospel of grace clearly and passionately and who will back up that preaching by a life which is above reproach.
All Christians are to be reminded “to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all men” (3:2). A rude Christian is a poor advertisement for Christ. This way of life is possible, not in our own strength, but through “renewal in the Holy Spirit” (v. 5b). We must seek to live the new life, but at the same time, we must rely on the work of the Holy Spirit in us to make us like Jesus: holy. There is also to be a concern for helping people in need, “Let our people learn . . . to help cases of urgent need” (v. 14).
Father, give all Christians the grace to live a life which will bring honor to our Savior. In his name. Amen.