Day 340
Problems Continue
Read: 2 Corinthians 1-5
After writing 1 Corinthians, Paul sent Timothy to straighten out the problems. Hearing that they persisted, he made a quick visit himself. He then probably sent a severe letter to them, followed by a visit from Titus. Having heard from Titus that there was improvement, he writes 2 Corinthians. Problems in churches do not disappear easily; they require much loving patient work. Let us commit ourselves to such work that truth and love may abound in the church for which Christ shed his blood.
Because of the problems, in writing to Corinth Paul expresses much about himself and his feelings. He wants the Corinthians to respect his message, so he gives reasons why they should respect his apostolic authority. He tells them how they have given him joy and sorrow because of his great care for them. As their founding pastor, they should consider what he says. He is aware that he has his frailties, for he is a “jar of clay” (4:7 ESV), but that vessel contains a great treasure, the gospel. He knows his true motivation, “for the love of Christ controls us” (5:14), and he hopes they will accept him because of that motive.
We are ambassadors for Christ (5:20). An ambassador does not make up his own message; he simply delivers the message of his government, but he does so with authority.
Father, help us to be humble and gracious in working with people in the church, for the sake of Christ. Amen.