Day 330
All Have Sinned
Read: Romans 1-3
Like the Old Testament, the New Testament begins with historical books: the four Gospels and Acts. Also, like the Old Testament, the New Testament then has a series of writings. In the Old, the writings are the poetic Wisdom Literature; in the New, the Letters (the Epistles). The Letters are arranged as follows: first the letters of Paul, not chronologically, but roughly in the order of length, and then the letters of others.
Romans is divided into three sections: sin, salvation, and service; another way to divide it is guilt, grace, and gratitude. The Heidelberg Catechism, a great Reformation document, follows the same order. In the first chapter, Paul deals with the sins of the Gentiles. He points out how pagans began worshiping the creature (in idolatry) rather than the Creator. God then “gave them up,” allowing them to fall farther into sin. In the second chapter, he shows how the Jews also sinned. Condemning the sins of the Gentiles, they themselves committed similar sins.
In the third chapter, Paul points out the advantage of being a Jew, yet all (both Jews and Gentiles) have sinned. Those who knew the law of God did not keep it. Therefore, our only hope is not in trying to keep the law, but acknowledging we are sinners, to turn to Christ alone for grace. Through Christ, God can be righteous and yet forgive sinners.
Father, we thank you for Christ. We are sinners. Our only hope is in him. In his name. Amen.