Day 319
The Story Continues
Read: Acts 1-3
Acts is the second in a two-volume set of which Luke’s Gospel is the first. Thus it continues the story of what happened after the resurrection. After appearing to his disciples over a period of 40 days which gave clear evidence that he really was risen, Jesus ascended into heaven while they watched.
Before leaving, Jesus gave the Great Commission. Acts tells how the disciples began to obey that commission. Jesus made it clear that they could not present that gospel in their own power, so they first had to wait for the coming of the Spirit. After days of prayer, the Spirit came on an Old Testament holiday, Pentecost.
It is evident that the Spirit does give power to witness, for Peter who had denied Jesus now boldly proclaims him, and the result is 3,000 people are saved. Soon after this, Peter by the power of the Spirit heals a lame man and takes the opportunity once again to proclaim Christ in a very public place.
And the story continues. The church must continue to carry out the Great Commission. We must proclaim the message of Christ everywhere. Everyone who experiences salvation through Christ shares in that responsibility. But we will not be successful if we trust in our own strength. We must constantly pray to be filled with the Spirit.
Father, fill us with your Spirit that we may be effective in witnessing for Christ. In his name. Amen.