Day 227
Sinking into Sin
Read: Jeremiah 3-5
Sometimes the term “Israel” is used for the whole nation, sometimes for the 10 northern tribes. Here it refers to the northern tribes which had long since been taken into captivity by the Assyrians. One would think that the southern kingdom of Judah would have learned a lesson from seeing what had happened to sinful Israel. Instead she continued to sink further into sin. Now the Babylonians are advancing upon them and the call is to turn to God so that he will protect them. But Jeremiah is deeply distressed because he sees that this is not happening. In fact, sin is rampant.
A righteous person cannot be found either among the people or their leaders. Adultery has become common and therefore there will be great punishment. In the light of this fact, what is going to happen to our own nation today? People have come to believe that God will not punish evil. Are there not many people like that even in the churches today? Dishonesty had become commonplace in ancient Judah. Religious leaders preached a soothing message rather than cry out against sin and that is the way the people like it to be! Again, how contemporary!
Complacency is a great enemy of the soul. It was Jeremiah’s task to rouse people from their acceptance of sin, and this is part of the task of all who would be true preachers of God’s Word today.
Father, help us to see how much you hate the sins which have become acceptable in our society. In Jesus’ name. Amen.