Day 226
Called to Be a Prophet
Read: Jeremiah 1-2
Jeremiah was clearly called by God: “I appointed you a prophet” (1:5). He made the excuse that because he was young he could not speak (v. 7). People should not choose to be pastors but rather sense that they are clearly called by God, and even more important, they must speak not their own ideas but the Word of God, which he has given us in the Bible.
Jeremiah’s task was not easy. He had to call the people to God as they stood on the brink of destruction caused by their unfaithfulness to God.
As soon as Jeremiah is called, he sees a vision of an almond tree and is told that God is watching over the word he will give Jeremiah so that it will accomplish God’s purpose for it. There is a play on words here. In Hebrew shaqed means “almond” and sounds like shoqed, which means “watching.” A second vision soon follows, that of a caldron from the north representing the Babylonians who will soon destroy Jerusalem.
There follows a message from God in chapter 2 in which he condemns Judah because of her unfaithfulness. Her spiritual and civic leaders are especially responsible. They are soon to suffer greatly but “have you not brought this upon yourself by forsaking the Lord your God . . . ?” (2:17). This same message is addressed to us today; the nations have turned away from Christ and the results are tragic.
Father, raise up those who will preach your Word with the power of the Spirit. For Christ’s sake. Amen.