Day 220
Isaiah and Revelation
Read: Isaiah 46-49
Many things can be said about this passage, for example, the repeated use of the words “Listen to me,” which remind us how important it is to hear and obey God, and the constant refrain “Thus says the Lord,” reminding us that this is not the word of human beings but the Word of God. But let us focus on the constant use of this passage in the book of Revelation.
Isaiah 47:8-9 quotes Babylon as speaking haughtily of her security and then predicts that she will fall with great suddenness. Revelation 18:7-8 reflect similar words regarding Babylon, which in the book of Revelation is probably a code word for pagan Rome. Nations filled with great pride may persecute God’s people, but God will bring them down to destruction.
In Isaiah 48:12, the Lord says that he is the first and the last, and in Revelation 1:17; 2:8 and 22:13, these words are spoken by Jesus, again evidence of his full deity.
In Isaiah 49:10, the Lord promises that his people will no longer be hungry or thirsty or scorched by the heat, and very similar words are used of God’s people in heaven in Revelation 7:16.
Isaiah 49:13 calls upon the heavens to rejoice because God is freeing his people and wreaking havoc upon their oppressors, and Revelation 12:12 and 18:20 do the same thing.
Father, we praise you that the Old and New Testament alike tell of your power in rescuing your people. Amen.