Day 150
The Plan of Providence Unfolds
Read: Esther 3-6
The book of Esther is not only God’s Word; it is delightful literature. What story has a more interesting plot? Haman is given a high position by the king, but his joy is spoiled because Mordecai will not bow to him. So he plans to kill all Jews. Mordecai’s message to Esther is, “If you keep silence . . . deliverance will rise for the Jews from another quarter . . . [W]ho knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (4:14). Mordecai has faith that God will save his people in some way. Perhaps, however, he has placed Esther in her position to rescue the Jews.
It is dangerous for Esther to enter the king’s throne room. If he does not lift up his scepter indicating his acceptance of her intrusion, she will be executed. He does raise the scepter and offers to give her anything she wants. She asked that he and Haman be her dinner guests. After dining with the royal couple, Haman is ecstatic, but his joy is spoiled when Mordecai will not bow before him.
The king has insomnia and thinks reading the chronicles of Persia will put him to sleep. Reminded from the selection read to him that Mordecai once saved his life but without being rewarded, he determines to honor him. He asked Haman what to do to honor a man. Haman thinks the king is speaking of him and proposes a public honor, which the king commands Haman to provide for Mordecai!
Father, protect your people. Thank you for the great ironies of your providence. In Jesus’ name. Amen.