Day 108
Victory for Truth
Read: 1 Kings 17-18
During the reign of wicked Ahab, king of Israel, God raised up a true prophet, Elijah. He told Ahab there would be no rain, and there was none for three years. During the famine God provided for Elijah, first through ravens and then through a widow. To the widow he spoke those words so often repeated in the Bible: “Fear not.” This is God’s message to us also, to not be afraid, whatever the problem, for God will help us. Elijah performed a great miracle. He brought the widow’s son to life again.
Then Elijah is commanded to confront Ahab, who calls him “you troubler of Israel.” Elijah points out that it is Ahab who is the source of the trouble because of his sin. Elijah then challenges the 450 prophets of Baal. The prophets of Baal cry out to their false god in vain. But when Elijah builds a water-drenched altar and prays, fire from heaven consumes his sacrifice. The people realize who is on the side of truth and execute the false prophets.
In every generation, there is a constant struggle between truth and falsehood. Sometimes God allows evil to be victorious for a considerable period of time, but “though the wrong is oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.” In his good time, the Lord causes truth to be victorious. In the meantime, like Elijah, we are called to be faithful whatever the cost.
Father, cause truth to be victorious in our day to your glory and the benefit of needy people. In Christ. Amen.