
Category: Stories of Hope

Stories of Hope

Christmas in India

Members of Words of Hope’s Dogri language team in India were able to host a Christmas celebration in a village about 40 miles from their studio. The village is located in the hills, in an area where gospel outreach began only a few years before.

Young indian man posing in front of ambulance
Stories of Hope

Gospel on Wheels

Hari is an ambulance driver in Udhampur, India. Ambulances are always in high demand and short supply in India, but these days Hari receives more calls than ever.  As India’s

Stories of Hope

Radio Still Effective

While in many areas, Words of Hope is expanding into new forms of media in order to share the gospel, we often hear stories of ways in which radio continues to reach out to people in special ways as well.

streets of istanbul turkey
Stories of Hope

Face to Face

Gazi sat in front of his television mindlessly flipping through the channels. He was looking for something more than entertainment, but he didn’t know exactly what it was. He stopped