
Category: Stories of Hope

home and clothing lines in rural indonesia
Stories of Hope

Listener Communities

In the island country of Indonesia, Words of Hope’s ministry partners are working to establish listener communities in all of the areas where rural, small language broadcasts can be heard. Local pastors often

Stories of Hope

Iran in the Bible

Did you know that the Bible has a lot to say about Iran? In Bible times, present day Iran was called Persia. While today, Iran is ruled by an Islamic

Stories of Hope

Bibles for Iran

Every year, Words of Hope smuggles thousands of Bibles inside the country of Iran.  In order to get Bibles into the country, Kurdish smugglers carry them on their backs over

Stories of Hope

In Their Own Words

You are equipping Albanian Christians for devotional ministry in their own context.  A Young Church Just over 30 years ago, religion was illegal in the country of Albania. In fact,

Stories of Hope

Saying Yes to Jesus

Rev. Nancy Boote penned the words, “Here I am,” in her journal early one morning during her devotional time. “I journaled those words in a prayer,” she says, “expressing my

Stories of Hope

Reflections from a Translator

Even as Albanians begin to write original devotional content, translating North American devotionals and editing them to fit the Albanian context will continue to be an ongoing need. Fabian fulfills

bhutan temple
Stories of Hope

Faith Comes Through Hearing

A Bhutanese woman champions the gospel in her home village with the help of audio Bible recordings.  Following Christ’s Leading Many years ago, a lady named Choeden followed her husband

Stories of Hope

Helambu Sherpa Language

Words of Hope Nepal is introducing a new broadcast program in the Helambu Sherpa language. Words of Hope’s Nepali ministry director first met a Sherpa pastor in 2013 while visiting

indian band playing music harmonium
Stories of Hope

Dogri Christmas Tappa

One of the many forms of media outreach that the Words of Hope team in India employs is music. Setting lyrics to music can touch hearts in ways that words