
Category: Sermons


How to Resist the Devil

Read: James 4:7-8 For many people the Devil is nothing more than a cartoon character. But we have a real and terrible enemy in Satan. Let’s learn today how to fight


How to Conquer Your Besetting Sin

Read: Romans 6:11-14 Have you been struggling for a long time against a particularly stubborn sin in your life? Well we have good news for you today, there is a way


How to Approach God in Prayer

Read: Hebrews 4:16 Many people today are so unacquainted with God or feel that he’s so far away they don’t even know how to talk to him and hardly even

open bible on table


Read: John 3:1-17 Just like currency, language can suffer from inflation, but it’s no exaggeration to say that John 3 is the most important chapter in the Bible. Here’s the story of one


Good News for the Poor

Read: Luke 4:14-21, 24-28 At the beginning of his public ministry Jesus explained the work he had come to do using words from the prophet Isaiah. That work was all about


When You Feel Forsaken

Read: Matthew 27:46 When Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” he was all alone, but because he was abandoned by God, you


The Macedonian Call

Read: Acts 16:9-12, 16-23 For more than 1500 years, Christianity has been considered to be a “western” or European religion. But it’s not. Christianity is the faith of all—whether European or


A Song of the Goodness of God

Read: Psalm 34:1-22 “God is great, and God is good . . .” That brief phrase says just about all we need to know about God. But what exactly does it


How to Rejoice in Hard Times

Read: Habakkuk 3:17-18 The apostle Paul’s word to Christians is, “Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again, rejoice.” But is that really possible? Sooner or later, most of us