Category: Books


A Wonderful Way to Worship God

This book is a series of weekly meditations, designed to last for a whole year. Instead of reading a new passage and meditation each day, you will read the passage

reaching hands

Why Doesn’t God Act More Like God?

How to deal with our doubts is one of the surprising but comforting lessons of the book of Habakkuk. David Bast looks at the ancient prophet’s struggle to answer some very


Pilgrimage in Prayer

The story of how one man learned to practice prayer as the secret to intimacy with God and effectiveness in service.


A Guided Life, Touched By Grace

Real praying isn’t easy; sometimes it can be difficult. But God wants us to pray. Prayer is also God’s gift. He provides everything we need and then calls us to respond. Well, then, how do we capture excitement about prayer when we’ve lost the heart to pray? Dr. Brownson doesn’t intend this book to be merely a call to prayer. Rather, his purpose is to inspire courage to pray, to leave us saying “I think I can do that. I can learn to pray.”


What Love is Like

Love is not a feeling, it is a way of behaving.
This is the thesis of one of the most familiar and popular chapters in the Bible: 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter. Paul, the writer of this famous love song, says the most important thing to know about love is what it does. These ten studies try to explain in simple terms each of the love actions, attitudes that characterize the deepest kind of love.


When We Question God

We all have our questions. We ask them of parents and teachers. We put them to experts and professionals in various fields. We debate them with friends and mull over them in quiet moments alone.


The Life of a Christian

Imagine writing a letter to a loved one that would most likely be the last words they would ever receive from you. What would you say? Dr. Henry Bast explores these final words of Peter in The Life of a Christian.

“In this letter Peter looks not only at the circumstances, problems, difficulties and temptations the Christians faced in the first century; he looks beyond these to the second coming of Jesus Christ and the end time.” While reading this book you may find that Peter’s message rings strangely true even today.


Objections to Christianity

Is Jesus the only way of salvation? Can modern, educated people still believe in God? Has the Bible been discredited by science?