Picture of William C. Brownson

William C. Brownson

Dr. William C. Brownson was the President Emeritus of Words of Hope. Dr. Brownson served Reformed churches in Lodi, New Jersey, and Chicago, Illinois. In 1964 he was appointed Professor of Preaching at Western Theological Seminary, a position he occupied for ten years before serving at Words of Hope. In addition to a widespread speaking ministry in churches, on university campuses and at conferences, Dr. Brownson wrote extensively for the Church Herald, other Christian periodicals, and authored many books. Dr. Brownson died April 1, 2022.

How it All Began: Studies in Genesis

Someone once said that if we are to understand ourselves, “we need to know where we’ve been.” Surely that is a critical issue in our time. Many struggle with understanding themselves, their relationship with the world and their relationship with God. Where can we look for answers?

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How to Live Happily

Ours is an age which insists on knowing “how.” We are impatient with theories we can’t practice and instructions we can’t follow. If we’re to do something, we want someone to show us a workable plan, to lead us, as we say, down a “plain path.”

When it comes to knowing how to live, all of us share some of that ineptness. We greatly need both direction and inner strength. In Jesus Christ we can learn how to live – and live happily.

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The Great Encouragement

Read: Matthew 28:16-20 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee. (v. 16) We often call this passage “The Great Commission,” and with good reason. A commission is a command to

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A Wonderful Way to Worship God

This book is a series of weekly meditations, designed to last for a whole year. Instead of reading a new passage and meditation each day, you will read the passage

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Individual standing on fence by mountains raising arms

Christ’s Love Compels Us

Read: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 . . . that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. (v. 15 NIV)

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A Guided Life, Touched By Grace

Real praying isn’t easy; sometimes it can be difficult. But God wants us to pray. Prayer is also God’s gift. He provides everything we need and then calls us to respond. Well, then, how do we capture excitement about prayer when we’ve lost the heart to pray? Dr. Brownson doesn’t intend this book to be merely a call to prayer. Rather, his purpose is to inspire courage to pray, to leave us saying “I think I can do that. I can learn to pray.”

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Pilgrimage in Prayer

The story of how one man learned to practice prayer as the secret to intimacy with God and effectiveness in service.

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When We Question God

We all have our questions. We ask them of parents and teachers. We put them to experts and professionals in various fields. We debate them with friends and mull over them in quiet moments alone.

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The Heart of the Christian Faith

With the thoroughness of a scholar and the tenderness of a father, Dr. Bill Brownson leads readers through the first eight chapters of the book of Romans verse by verse. A true celebration of the text, this joyful exploration of Paul’s letter will nurture your faith, answer your questions, and help you apply the truths of Scripture into your daily life experiences. The Heart of the Christian Faith guides readers through the basic truths of Christianity, as summarized in the first chapters of Romans, and straight to the heart of Christ.

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