April 2024 Prayer Guide

INDONESIA — The Acehnese-speaking province of Aceh is a region of Sumatra where the majority of people are fanatic Muslims. In this area, Christianity does not have the freedom to carry out its activities as in other parts of Indonesia. Because Christian radio stations are not allowed on the mainland there, Words of Hope’s partners […]


Read: John 19:16-25 . . . The Place of the Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha. (v. 17) Sometimes, where something takes places matters. Sand from the beaches of Normandy means something different than sand from Holland, Michigan. Saying “I do” at a wedding is different than answering in the kitchen when asked if you want a […]

Simon the Cyrene

Read: Matthew 27:32-37 They compelled this man to carry [Jesus’s] cross. (v. 32) I don’t think this was how Simon thought his day would go. Since Simon was from the distant region of Cyrene, he was likely a faithful Jew who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover. He wasn’t there to see Jesus. As far […]

Trial before Pilate

Read: John 18:28-40 Are you the King of the Jews? (v. 33) What kind of king do we actually want? Do we want a ruler like Pilate, or are we willing to follow a king like Jesus? Jesus, the King of kings, stood before Pilate, the governor. Pilate was like many rulers before and after him—he […]

Peter’s Denial

Read: Luke 22:54-62 Woman, I do not know him. (v. 57) Jesus stood before the high priest and religious leaders. They questioned him about his identity and brought false witnesses (Matt. 26:59-60). Jesus knew where this would lead, and he calmly refused to engage. The result—they condemned him, as they had planned (vv. 66-71). While Jesus sat […]


Read: Mark 14:43-52 The one I will kiss is the man. (v. 44) Those you love the most can also hurt you the most. When a friend decides not to spend time with you anymore, it hurts more than when you never see a stranger again. The closeness you used to have makes the loss all […]


Read: Matthew 26:36-56 Remain here, and stay awake with me. (v. 38 NRSV) A lot of time as a parent involves being with your kids—making lunches, cleaning clothes, stopping fights, helping with homework. All of that is good and even a joy in many ways. But there’s also something beautiful about getting toward the end of […]

Whole and Holy

Read: John 17:6-17 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. (v. 17) What is Jesus’s desire for the church? On his last night, he took time to pray for his band of disciples—the future fledgling church—that they’d be whole and holy. Jesus prayed that his disciples would be whole, not broken and scattered. He […]

Glorify Your Name

Read: John 17:1-5 Glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you. (v. 1) If you knew this was your last day on earth, what would you do? You might try to accomplish everything that you have put off for years. Or maybe you would choose to abandon your responsibilities! On his last night, Jesus chose […]