Walk with Goodness and Mercy

Read: Exodus 34:1-10 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me. (Psalm 23:6a) When I was a child, I observed my shadow closely. It changed depending on the position of the sun. It was always fun to see how my shadow made me look tall and disproportionate when the sun was lower in the sky. Whenever […]

Walk Anointed

Read: Exodus 30:22-38 You anoint my head with oil. (Psalm 23:5b) Have you ever used the expression, “It’s like heaven on earth”? Maybe you were awestruck by majestic mountains or felt fresh ocean air blowing on your face. Anointing oil is like that. The Bible Project describes its meaning in terms of God’s action in […]

How to Meet God through the Bible

people with open bibles

What if meeting God was as easy as opening a door? Opening your Bible is like stepping through God’s front door. While reading, you have the opportunity to meet God, and get to know him better. The Bible shares the story of God and his people, and invites you, through the work of the Holy […]

Walk Generously

Read: Luke 22:14-23 You prepare a table before me. (Psalm 23:5a) My mother loved to entertain others at our home. She prepared our dining room table with her fancy tablecloth, finest chinaware, silverware, and crystal glasses. She beautifully arranged them according to the rules of etiquette. She cooked a gourmet meal and presented it like […]

Walk in His Comfort

Read: Isaiah 66:10-14 Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4c) A mother who comforts her child may wipe away tears, kiss a boo-boo, or hold the child close to her heart. Mothers comfort their children with their presence, love, and attention. Mothers will also fiercely fight to protect their children. The shepherd […]

Walk without Fear

Read: Isaiah 41:10-13 I will fear no evil. (Psalm 23:4b) If we are honest, all of us are afraid of something. I fear bees, health challenges, and losing my memory to name a few. Some fears are bigger than others, but all of them create an intense feeling of helplessness. David had every reason to […]

Walk Through

Read: Isaiah 43:1-7 I walk through the valley. (Psalm 23:4a) Valleys are found between two high places. We get from one high place to the other by going through the valley. In today’s verse from Psalm 23, David describes passing through “the valley of the shadow of death” (v. 4). The valley was dark; it was […]

Walk for His Name’s Sake

Read: Philippians 2:1-11 He leads me . . . for his name’s sake. (Psalm 23:3b-c) I like receiving praise for something that I have done. Receiving praise is not wrong or sinful, but when it puffs me up with pride, I am walking for my name’s sake and not God’s. Do you find yourself doing the same? […]

Walk in Righteousness

Read: Matthew 22:34-40 He leads me in paths of righteousness. (Psalm 23:3b) To live right physically, I need to keep moving. Exercise is good for my health, but for sheep, movement is absolutely necessary. Sheep can ruin the ground where they graze if they stay still too long, and become susceptible to more parasites. That’s […]