Beloved and Urged

Read: 1 Peter 2:11-25 Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable. (v. 12) Peter was assuming several things as he wrote to Christian brothers and sisters in his day, and I am certain he would make the same assumptions about us in our day. He assumes that (1) we will live in exile, (2) the […]

Chosen for a Reason

Read: 1 Peter 2:1-9 But you are a chosen race . . . (v. 9) What enormous encouragement is lavished upon Christian believers in just one verse. We are called chosen, royal, holy, and as if that were not enough, God’s own people. Out of all the people of the earth God has chosen one […]

Like Living Stones

Read: 1 Peter 2:1-9 As you come to him, a living stone. (v. 4) My father was a brick mason, so I learned very early in life the difference between headers and stretchers, and between closers and bats. And if I learned anything at all, I certainly learned the meaning of a cornerstone. Set the […]

Ordered Affections

Read: 1 Peter 2:1-9 Rid yourselves, therefore . . . (v. 1 NRSV) A very wise friend of mine often says, “If we are talking about real Christianity, we must get comfortable with the fact that there will be a ‘no’ somewhere in the sentence.” While we have been culturally conditioned from our cradles to […]

The Enduring Word

Read: 1 Peter 1:22-25 . . . but the word of the Lord endures forever. (v. 25 NRSV) Everything around us is fading away with the striking exception of the Word of the Lord, which is “living and active” (Heb. 4:12) and endures forever. John Calvin, the most influential theologian of the Reformed tradition, writes […]

New Languages in Nepal

Words of Hope Nepal is expanding to include two new language programs, Magar and Maithili, in order to better serve the diverse communities in the region. Many Nepali people prefer to speak their local languages, even though they understand Nepali. Recognizing the importance of communicating in heart languages, the team has begun preparing and praying […]

Action-Oriented Thinking

Read: 1 Peter 1:13-21 Therefore prepare your minds for action . . . (v. 13 NRSV) Something doesn’t seem right in verse 13: “Prepare your minds for action . . .”? Minds think, and bodies act, not the other way around. Isn’t that right? Apparently not for Peter! Lurking beneath Peter’s conviction is something he […]

Angel Longings

Read: 1 Peter 1:10-1 . . . things into which angels long to look! (v. 12) Peter’s conviction that there are “things into which angels long to look” intrigues me. Most of the time we either don’t think about angels at all, or we think about them wrongly, as chubby little figurines or as a […]

Praying for a Lifetime!

Read: 1 Peter 1:3-9 Blessed be the God and Father . . . (v. 3) Did you know that the phrase Peter uses to begin his letter is not original to him? He is actually borrowing a phrase from the Sabbath liturgy of the Jewish synagogue. The main section of prayers in the liturgy of […]