God Remembers
Read: Isaiah 49:13-18 I will not forget you. (v. 15) Have you ever felt forgotten? Feeling forgotten is a lonely feeling. Feeling forgotten can lead us to believe we are not loved. Psalmists have often expressed this feeling, “How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever?” (Ps. 13:1) But being remembered brings us joy. […]
God Sees
Read: Genesis 16:6-16 You are the God who sees me. (v. 13 NIV) Children love hiding from others as a game. As adults, we also hide in different ways. Sometimes we hide behind the protective walls we erect around our hearts. We fear rejection or worry what people think of us if our real selves […]
February 2025 Prayer Guide
TURKEY — Praise God for impactful ministry work happening in Turkey. A recent event was attended by 60 people and provided space for prayers of healing and deliverance. Pray for those who attended, especially those exploring faith in Christ, that they may take bold steps toward him. Ask God to guide the team as they […]
God Creates
Read: Genesis 1:26-31 Let us make humans in our image. (v. 26 NRSV) The Sioux people of the northern Great Plains in North America believed the longest distance we journey in life is between our head and our heart. This distance is approximately 18 inches. But sometimes it takes us a lifetime to travel that […]
The Most Painful Doubt
Read: Philippians 4:4-9 The God of peace will be with you. (v. 9 NIV) Emotional doubt is the most difficult because it grows out of deep hurt and the emotions our trauma has produced—anger, anxiety, depression, sorrow. In these concise words from Philippians 4, Paul highlights three means by which Jesus gives us grace for […]
Repent and Believe
Read: Mark 1:14-20 The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news! (v. 15 NIV) With volitional doubt—doubt based on a stubborn refusal to give in to God’s will for life—the means by which Jesus overcomes our unbelief is a strong call to repent and believe. More facts don’t help this […]
Feeding Your Faith
Read: Romans 10:9-17 Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. (v. 17 NIV) Although Jesus might drive out doubt immediately, he almost always uses other means, and different means for different kinds of doubt. In cases of factual doubt—doubt based on a lack of accurate information […]
What to Do With Your Doubt
Read: Mark 9:14-27 I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief! (v. 24 NIV) I’ve been trying to give you a clear look at doubt. Now I want to help you to do something about it. What will you do with your doubt? You can accept it or reject it, treasure it in the spirit […]
The Body Is Weak
Read: Mark 14:32-42 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. (v. 38 NIV) Some doubt rises in our minds because of our human nature. I mean that in two senses—because we are sinners and because we are finite. Yesterday’s reading from Genesis 3 reminds us that the devil’s temptation was followed by the […]