Finding Christ in Chronicles

Read: 1 Chronicles 1:1-5; Acts 20:27 Adam, Seth, Enosh . . . (1 Chron. 1:1) We all have favorite books and passages of the Bible, but most Christians have parts of the Bible that we avoid. This month, we are going to study two books that many of us neglect. After I retired from active ministry as […]

The End of the Story

Read: Daniel 12:1-10 At that time your people shall be delivered. (v. 1) I love books. I read professionally and recreationally, and I enjoy every kind of literature (including the occasional thriller). Generally, I don’t like to spoil a book’s ending. But periodically, the tension gets to me, and I have to peek at the […]

Seek with All Your Heart

Read: Daniel 9:1-19 Then I turned my face to the Lord God. (v. 3) There are almost no cross-references between the book of Daniel and the other Old Testament accounts of the exile. This gives the impression that Daniel was isolated from, and ignorant of, his fellow captives and their stories. But in chapter 9, […]

The Ancient of Days

Read: Daniel 7:1, 9-18 Thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. (v. 9) Halfway through, the book of Daniel dramatically changes tone. It goes from a straightforward account of Daniel’s adventures in exile to a collection of chaotic visions. Daniel isn’t two different stories. It’s the same story told from two […]

In the Lions’ Den

Read: Daniel 6:16-28 God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths. (v. 22) Daniel faced two overwhelming pressures. The privilege, prosperity, and power of the pagan empire dangled within his reach. The threat of the lions’ den hung over his head. All Daniel had to do to claim the reward and escape the punishment […]

October 2024 Prayer Guide

TURKEY — Pray for a listener named Eric who reached out to the team in Turkey asking for prayer to overcome addictions to alcohol and gambling. He shared that these addictions have been affecting his relationship with the Lord, and he wants very much to change. Pray that God will work through the regret Eric […]

Give Thanks (As Always)

Read: Daniel 6:1-13 He . . . prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously. (v. 10) Daniel must have wondered when he might catch a break. Taken captive as a young man, his adult life was spent in the service of pagan emperors. He repeatedly faced tests of his faith, […]

The Writing on the Wall

Read: Daniel 5:1-31 You have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven. (v. 23) Daniel’s first four chapters paint a complex portrait of Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon’s emperor was at turns brutal and thoughtful; arrogant and repentant. Chapter 4 concludes with the once-idolatrous despot on his knees before God. His successor was a different story. Belshazzar […]

The Wonders of the Most High

Read: Daniel 4:1-3; 34-37 Those who walk in pride he is able to humble. (v. 37) I have had my share of humbling (even humiliating) experiences. When I was younger, I would agonize when I failed a test; forgot my lines onstage; or made a fool of myself at a party. I did everything I […]