When Words Fail
Read: Romans 8:18-30 The Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (v. 26) Times of prayer can be full of sweet conversation with our heavenly Father. There are also times when words do not come. We simply do not know what to pray. Our pain and suffering find dissonance with the […]
What is Advent?
Advent is the season of the Christian calendar that comes directly before Christmas. Its name comes from the Latin word, adventus, meaning “coming” or “arrival.”
Singing Amid Suffering
Read: Acts 16:16-34 Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God. (v. 25) One brave man I know lives in Bhutan. Sharing the gospel is forbidden. One Sunday I met a group of Christians in his house. I was surprised to hear them sing joyful praise that could be heard in the neighborhood. […]
The Spirit Speaks
Read: Acts 13:1-3 After fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off. (v. 3) I am suspicious whenever I hear someone say, “The Holy Spirit told me.” I’ve heard people use that phrase to add authority to their opinion. I wonder how they knew it was the Holy Spirit? Even […]
No God like You
Read: 2 Chronicles 6:12-7:3 . . . keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to your servants. (v. 14) Of all Solomon’s accomplishments, the temple he built was the most magnificent, incomparable in many ways among the structures of the day. And despite all of his moral wanderings, Solomon knew God’s presence was central to all […]
Almighty God
Read: 1 Timothy 6:11-19 . . . the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords. (v. 15) Words of Hope’s ministry leader in India gave his life to Christ while he was a veterinary student. Given that his father was a Buddhist missionary to India, his conversion was nearly as […]
Sovereign Lord
Read: Acts 4:23-31 Grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness. (v. 29) Praying with persecuted Christians and hearing their boldness grips my heart in ways I find hard to describe. Last year I met a woman from Bhutan who shares the hope of Jesus at great risk. As she […]
Gracious God and Heavenly Father
Read: Romans 8:31-39 If God is for us, who can be against us? (v. 31) Our Words of Hope staff gathers Monday mornings to pray together. I’ve noticed a few begin with “Our gracious God and heavenly Father . . .” It reminds me of so many prayers I heard in the Reformed church of […]
Read: Matthew 6:5-15 Pray to your Father who is in secret. (v. 6) It had to be a stunning moment when the disciples received Jesus’s teaching to begin their prayer with “Our Father” (v. 9). While the Old Testament speaks of God in a fatherly way (see Deut. 32:6; Ps. 103:13), he is not addressed […]